God jul och gott nytt år
hej, (limp) och rothen här, vi chillar i skolan och fölrsöker få saker och ting gjort. Vår sten hårda lärare joanna ska sätt sina läskiga slutbetyg idag, jag tror alla får IG.....nej jag skoja joanna är grym ;)
vi som var hemma är fortfarande ledsna över att vi missa resan till kambodja men man försöker inte tänka på det för snart är det jul och nytt år och då är alla jätte glada =)=)=) fast det är ju inte direkt kul med all snö eftersom man kan halka och bryta benen och då kan man ju tyvär inte gå till skolan....synd ;) nej men skolan är kul, det är trevligt och mycket bra sammanhållning mellan både elever och lärare.
Jag tycker det är kul att alla har börjat känna varandra bättre efter kambodja, för mig var det inget problem för jag kännde de flesta bra innan för jag är ju trots allt ganska framåt och pratar ganska mycket och har lätt för att skaffa nya polare;)
aja det var allt från mig...galna tider//Jonte......(och linus)
PS. ha en riktigt bra jul och ett trevligt ny års firande
Snö för alla!
Kylan är däremot obehaglig på öronen och näsan. Men ska det vara fint får man lida pin.
Tillbaka i mys-Sverige
Nu har vi varit hemma i 11 dagar, vilket jag tycker är jätteskönt. Det allra bästa med att vara hemma är att jag inte behöver vara orolig över vad maten innehåller. Speciellt när det gäller Isabelle, hon är laktos- och glutenintolerant. Varje gång vi åt tillsammans så var det lika nervös, jag fick seriöst ont i magen ibland. För vissa människor är så korkade, när man säger att till att det inte får vara mjöl i maten för att hon blir sjuk, så serverar de ändå bröd på samma tallrik. Som tur var klarde hon sig hela resan.
En annan väldigt bra sak med att vara hemma är att det är så mysigt med vinter, speciellt nu när det är snö!
Jag gillar verkligen att det är mörkt ute när man kommer hem från skolan. Jag brukar sätta mig vid fönstret och dricka nyttigt grönt te med sojamjölk i. Det är mysigt, speciellt om man har något trevligt sällskap.
Detta är mitt första inlägg här på Sparrebloggen och jag hinner tyvärr inte skriva mer för tillfället, men jag kanske skriver någonting mer nästa termin.
God jul och gott nytt år önskar tant Vengemyr.
Sparre Gymnasiums resedagbok!
Oscar Wilner
I do not think that all women with hjiab wants to have it because it must be really worm and im sure they want to go out in just in a t-shirt and some regular pants. But their religion says that they must have it and I think that is kind of stupid. I think that it is very disrespectful against those women. But if their bible ‘’koranen’’ wants them to have Hijab there’s noting they can do about it. Maybe in the future politicians will let women dress like they wants but I don’t think that will happened. And maybe in the future people will protest agains Hjiab. But im sure there is still women who likes to wear a hijab. Here in Sweden some people have Hijab not so many but some.
I think that people from the middle east and follows the ‘’koranen’’ will chose if they wants to have a hjiab or not maybe they can chose but I don’t know.
Islam is a religion and they believe in the Koran, they are read it and follow it. Muhammed is their prophet and not there god. They just have him as someone to follow, like a guide. Islam has many religious things to follow For example, A there are the five columns, they are following them to create a fellowship with other people. They are also following sharia, and that is the Muslims law.
Hijab is like a scarf you have around your head so people can’t see your hair, and they can also have it around there face that you only see their eyes, in some cases you can’t see their face at all. They have this in a religion and that is Islam, I’m going to find out why they believe in it.
Those who have hijabs are not feeling different than other people, they are just following their religion like other people following theirs. And I think that it is okay to have hijabs in school and at their work, but I can understand that it is hard for other people that who are working work with them that they never have seen their faces and don’t know how what they look like.
I have been looking at some people at the internet and they say this:
One person says that she don’t doesn’t want be judged on her appearance and only on how she is in personality. And that’s why she likes to were it, she is felling feeling more self-confident. And she doesn’t understand people who think she is strange because she wears a hijab.
There are many people who don’t use there hijab because they want to be like other people, they want to be suitable (for the society they live in). And I think that is good in a way but if a look from a different angle I think it’s really bad that they don’t want to be themselves and follow their religion.
this video is called "Varför hijab"
Fredrika Hellström
Bullying and peer presure
Bullying can happen in during the kid’s age. It’s about the power, the kid or group with much the most power are the bullies and the kid who is powerless gets bullied. I guess the power is about when you are: strong and tall, cool, popular. It´s not so fun for the guy who get bullied, he get a bad growth develop badly and sometimes people can´t stand out with all punishment. Were you bullied as kid? Maybe you understand how hard it can be, maybe the bullies at least should change schools?
Peer pressure can be very bad and dangerous if you have got bad friends for example: they are taking drugs and force you to do it too. Or maybe they wants you to steal things in supermarkets, just because your friends will think that´s you are cool and fit in the gang.
Polygamy is when someone is married to more than one person. It can either be polygyny which is when a man has more than one wife. Polyandry is when a woman has more than one husband. There is also a group marriage which means a group of people are all married to each other (both men & women). Bigamy is when an already legally married person marries another person. In most western countries bigamy is listed as a crime and might be prosecuted.
I don’t think this is good for either person of the marriage, I don’t think everyone in a polygamy relationship can be as happy as a normal couple can be. Also it can’t be a very fun thing for a child to grow up in a polygamous family, since it is also very usual that there are many kids in a polygamous family I think the house will be full of stressed people which can’t be a good thing for a kid to grow up in. I would also believe that the marriage with more than one might also lead to jealous behavior amongst (for example in “Big Love”, the three women) the people in the marriage.
If I were in a relationship where I was married to a woman who was also married to 2 other men I would feel bad and obviously be jealous of the other men, I think relationship is something that is supposed to be between two people who can trust each other with anything and no matter what always love each other and be able to feel that the other person in the relationship does as well.
If I were in a relationship where I was married to more than one woman I would think I couldn’t really trust everyone as much as some others since it’s harder to get to know all of them when there are so many since you won’t have enough time for each of them.
I have a hard time believing that every part of the marriage will be treated the same, even though they aim for it I don’t think they can reach that goal.
But for those who live happily in a polygamous relationship as in a normal relationship should go on. As long as people are satisfied in their relationship I will accept that kind of relationship but as stated before I a hard time believing you can accomplish “normal” in a polygamist relationship.
Many countries have made polygamy illegal but there are exceptions for Muslims in some countries and some countries have it completely legal. Polygamists may have a hard time getting legal immigrant status in a country that doesn’t approve polygamy.
/ Oskar L.
English - Bullying/Peer Pressure. - /Beatriz Coutinho
Bullying/Peer Pressure
Bulling is something that’s happened unfortunately every day, and destroys young life. People have killed them self, and cut them self on wrist. Is it impossible to know how the person feels? Often the parents don’t know about this things, and teachers often doesn’t see things like bullying but sometimes if the teachers know they have like two choose, trying to do something and think they know everything what this person have gone truth and try to be the “parent” in the situation, but that’s so wrong of them! The other is that they just look at the other side, just so the school can have a good reputation.
When I think of Bullying the first that’s comes on my mind is a group the hits and say bad words to the offer, but hitting someone and say bad words to the offer isn’t what’s bullying it’s all about. Bullying has levels, and different grades. The different levels in bullying are:
· Physique bullying – when you hit, kick, pulling the hair, grope, destroy things like homework, bags, clothes etc.
· Verbal bullying – Disparaging comments, mockery, threat, nicknames etc.
· Psychic bullying – Looks, sigh, ignore, look a way, doesn’t care about the person opinion, moves away from the person etc.
· Internet bullying – Putting false reputation on the internet, sending threat sms, spreading pitchers and films of the person etc.
This happens every day in school, people have taking suicide because they couldn’t handle the pressure anymore. But why do the bully “leader” in the group and all the other people in this group do this? To be popular? To fill like that they are better than the offer? Have they been in the same situation as the offer, and are now taking the anger at the wrong person? Do the bullying “leader” just want to show how it feels the be hurt? Or has the person bad at home? It’s allot of questions, but the answer is different. I think the main reason to bullying a person is that they have been the offer, and has it bad at home. They are hurt inside and no one under stands them, but someone just doing it for fun and are just psychic damage in the head.
For two years ago a girl wrote something on her MySpace that a “friend” to her didn’t like, so one day told this friend to this girl if she wanted to do something with some other person and at the end of the they did something, but they were sitting in the car to this friends grandma’s house their they started to hit her, pulling her hair, and it was 6 girl that was betting her while the 2 guys that also went in the car filmed when the girls attack this girl how had written a thing on her MySpace, that they didn’t like. When they had hit her several hours she had bruise, she had lost a big quantity of hair, swollen face, and she had broken bones.
This things happens a lot, people attack innocent person. But this girl had said on her MySpace that she would love to physique abuse her again, and she would love her for every second of it, and that’s is a just sic and horrible that she can think like that, and how people can do something like that.
But something that’s really hurtful story is Columbine high school. After that Eric Harris had been the bullying offer for a long time a bomb had exploded inside of him. Year 1997 Eric had go to websites there he had looked up how to do your own explode substance, so the year 1999 April the 20 Eric Harris and his friend Dylan Klebold went to Columbine High school with their guns, and explosion subjects then them and went and attract the school. They killed 12 students and one teacher, and they injured 24 students and teachers. When the cops went to the school and started to save all of the students and put them to safety, and tried to save the students and teachers inside the school, but when they tried to go in to the school Eric and Dylan started to shoot to the cops and the cops started to shoot back, but after the shooting Eric and Dylan shoot themselves in the head.
Things like bullying are a big and serious problem, it must stop now, but to try to stop right away is impossible. In Sweden we have Friends it’s a group that’s help person that are bullied in school on their feet’s again and try to build up their confidence.
Peer pressure is something that makes people goes the other way instead of the way they want to go actually; like if the person doesn’t want to party and drink the friend/person can change their mind like that they say we aren’t going to drink just having fun, but in the end the person that didn’t want to do this is lying in a ditch unconscious and the person friends just had walk away, and with peer pressure you can do something that you regret the they after. But peer pressure can also be good, if your friend wants you to come with to a movie, a zoo, amusement park, go ice skating or do something fun, then peer pressure is good to make a person happy, have fun and have wonderful memories in their life.
MySpace Girl.
Columbine high school
Columbine High School
Victor Darin
I have decided to write about Hijab. It´s a very interesting subject because there are hundreds and hundreds of different opinions on if you should be allowed to use a hijab that covers the whole face here in Sweden. Many people think that it shouldn’t be allowed, and many people think it should be allowed. Well, I agree with both opinions. I think that you should be allowed to choose your religion even if the religion comes from another country, because everyone has their own right to choose what they want. If you come from a poor country and want to get away from wars and things like that, you should bring your religion with you in your package. I believe that a religion can sometimes represent who you are as a person, I mean people are different, and will always be different with their own culture, you just have to accept it because there is nothing we can do about it. If an immigrant moves to Sweden with their own religion, we should accept the religion and the person.
But I do agree with the other opinions. Because if you are an immigrant and move to Sweden, you should accept our culture too! For example I have heard about Muslims that have complained about how we treat them. But off course you shouldn’t be allowed to walk into a store with a hijab that covers the whole face, off course they would think that you were a robber who would put a gun to their faces and say: “Give me the money!” What I am trying to say is that the Swedish people accept their culture, and they have to accept ours! We were given a paper in a lesson before in class about some Muslims that were denied to use their hijab at the university because the hijab covered the whole face. And then we read some comments about it. Some people said that it was wrong of the teacher, and some said that it was right by the teacher. I think too that it was right by the teacher. I wouldn’t allow them either. Because it is hard to judge a person in the class if you have never even see their face. I think that we should compromise on this subject. I think that you should allow people to have their hijabs, but only if it doesn’t cover the whole face!
Here is a video about a discussion in Sweden about hijabs
I think that this represent the subject that I have worked with. I think that this is not the only problem that has appeared for the Muslims. The question is if it is right or wrong. Well, I don’t know.
Polygamy is one type of relationship. Often there is only one man but he can have more than one wife. I don’t understand how a woman can accept that, I would never be in a polygamous relationship. Instead of being in a polygamous relationship, why can’t you just be single? Than you can have how many women or men you want to, and no one need to be hurt and disappointed.
I don’t think that a man in a polygamous relationship loves all his wives, maybe he loves one of them so why can’t he just have one wife? The wives must fight a lot about their husband, and be jealous when they see their husband with another woman. I think it’s weird that the man isn’t ashamed when people see him first kissing one woman and the next day there is another woman. The people around him must think that he is cheating, and they will judge him.
If my boyfriend would ask me if we could have a polygamous relationship I would say a big “No!” After he had asked I would be sad, because it would feel like I’m not the only one he wants. That’s how I think it feels for the women in polygamy relationship. I think every wife wants their husband to love just them and don’t even think sexually about another woman.
The TV show “Big Love” is about polygamy. In the movie there is a man who has 3 wives, the man seems to be happy and goes from wife to wife. The wives in the movie seem to be really angry and sad all the time. The children in the movie are ashamed of their parents and their friends are teasing them. I don’t think it’s good for the children to have parents in a polygamous relationship, because it isn’t normal. Small children don’t think about what you can say or what you can’t, so the children with parents in a polygamous relationship will be teased wherever they go. When their friends and classmates talk badly about the situation at home I think that the children also think that it’s wrong and they will think that their parents are weird and that they do wrong. When people say something to you many times a day, it doesn’t matter what they say but if you hear the same thing all the time you will believe it, and that’s what I think the children do.
God made the people, and he decided that we should be 2 people in a relationship, not 4 or 5. I don’t mean that it’s something you absolutely can’t do but that’s how the world is supposed to be. If God would have wanted polygamous relationships he would have made 3 times more women than men. This is just my opinion and I don’t judge anyone who doesn’t agree.
What if a woman would have 3 husbands? I think that the husbands would fight a lot and maybe even do illegal things just because they are jealous. In a family it is almost always the husband who decides stuff and like “own” the family, I rely don’t think it is right but that’s the way it is. I think in a polygamous relationship with more than one husband the man would feel like he isn’t the man in the family, he would feel small and not necessary, and that’s one thing I think is important for a man.
The husband in a polygamous relationship is almost like a pimp, because he can choose who he wants to sleep with every night. And the women are just happy to have her husband home. Polygamy almost feels like a child with divorced parents, because you live in more than one place and maybe have more than one family.
/ Olivja
Crimes Against Humanity
Crimes against humanity
As many people have heard, there have always been trouble with crimes against humanity. People had been treated like they have lost their whole worth. They’ve been defamed, tortured and executed. But were those innocent people worth this? What have they done to society? There are a lot of questions which demand answers. If we’re going to find the answers are not clear. Those questions keep haunting us…
There existed a Cambodian group in the middle of the 20th century - the Khmer Rouge. If you hear the name, the Khmer Rouge, you may think they were a party which had good intentions. But appearances are deceptive… They were a communist party which strived after a society which was totally based on agriculture. But that was the biggest mistake they ever could make…
Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge’s leader, became prime minister in Cambodia 1976.When Pol Pot became prime minister, a number of bad things happened. Pol Pot put Cambodia in a very hard situation, which caused many people’s deaths. People died of starvation, exhaustion and execution. Educated people and some ethnic groups were the main victims for persecution. But the Khmer Rouge didn’t think about the consequences. If they killed all educated people, how could the country handle the economy? After those horrible years (1975-1979), Cambodia was in a serious economic crisis. The agriculture ended up in a hard position.
There were a lot of prisons situated around in Cambodia. The living conditions in those prisons were horrible. One of the most famous and ghastliest prisons was Toul Sleng, also called S-21. Those people which been sent to Toul Sleng, were accused for political crimes. They had been executed or tortured after they had gone through an examination. In total there was 14000-20000 people who been sent to Toul Sleng, but only seven people survived.
In other words,some of the worst crimes against humanity through history were those crimes in Cambodia which killed around 1.7 million people. 20 percent of Cambodia’s population had been brutally executed during 1975-1979. I can’t believe it when I read it. How could so many people have been executed? It’s such a horrible story. I really suffer with them. Those people haven’t done anything wrong. Just because Pol Pot thought they didn’t fit in the society, they were bound to die. How can a human think like that? Probably he had a hard upbringing, which caused his bad behavior and his wrong appreciation of other people. But one thing really irritates me; almost all members of the Khmer Rouge were or had been doctors earlier in their lives. So, why did they execute like-minded people? I think I know why. They strived after an advantage, and that’s why they executed the educated population. If all educated people were dead, they had reached their goal. No one could dispute the Khmer Rouge’s opinions and ideas, because the population had no education and didn’t know better in that situation.
Our school visit to “Forum För Levande Historia” a couple of weeks ago. There was an exhibition which was called “Middag med Pol Pot”. The exhibition was really interesting and touching. We saw pictures of people who were in Toul Sleng and at these agricultural collectives. A horrible thought hit me at that moment: I realized that everything really had happened. It felt so terrible inside of me when I think about it. I think every person have the same rights to live. It doesn’t matter if you’re black, educated, white etc. Everybody has the same worth. End of discussion.
”Forum För Levande Historia”.
My own thoughts.
Toul Sleng
The Killing Fields
Written by: Victoria Strömvall
Victor Darin
I have decided to write about Hijab. It´s a very interesting subject because there are hundreds and hundreds of different opinions on if you should be allowed to use a hijab that covers the whole face here in Sweden. Many people think that it shouldn’t be allowed, and many people thinks it should be allowed. Well, I agree in both opinions. I think that you should be allowed to choose you religion even if the religion comes from another country, because everyone has there own right to choose what they want. If you come from a poor country and want to get away from wars and things like that, you should bring your religion with you in your package. Because I believe that a religion can sometimes represent who you are as a person, I mean people are different, and will always be different with their own culture, you just have to accept it because there is nothing we can do about it. If an immigrant moves to Sweden with an own religion, we should accept the religion and the person.
But I do agree with the other opinions. Because if you are an immigrant and move to Sweden, you should accept our culture too! For example I have heard about Muslims that have complained on how we treat them. But off course you shouldn’t be allowed to walk in to a store with a hijab that covers the whole face, off course they would think that you were a robber that would put a gun too their faces and say: give me the money! What I am trying to say is that the Swedish people accept their culture, and they have to accept ours! We were given a paper on a lession before in class about some muslims that were denied to use their hijab on the university because the hijab covered the whole face. And then we read about some comments about it. Some people said that it was wrong by the teacher, and some said that it was right by the teacher. I think too that it was right by the teacher. I wouldn’t allow them either. Because it is hard to judge a person on the class if you never even see their face. I think that we should compromise on this subject. I think that you should allow people to have their hijabs, but only if it doesn’t cover the whole face!
Here is a video about a discussion in Sweden about hijabs
Bullying and peer pressure
Saying no is not always easy as it sounds. This is mainly because we usually worry about what people will think about us, we want to be friendly and fit in. But you need to consider that Taking the easy option and doing what your friends want you to do may mean doing something that you will regret and have to live with.
If you are worried about peer pressure it's very important to talk to someone, perhaps an older brother or sister or some different friends. It will make you feel better if you can find someone to talk about it.
5 Things you about bullies
They have to make you feel smaller so they feel better about themselves. You don't need their approval to feel good about yourself.
They dont like people who are different to them. You can listen to their opinion but you dont need to agree with them.
They are anxious about criticism so they'll criticise before you. You should rather be by yourself than with people who are unkind to you and other people.
They are insecure.Even if they don't seem like being it. You don't have to think or do what they say - just because they say so.
They set the rules that they can fit into so they'll be ok at your expense. You won't care if they don't like you, you'll find people to be with who like you for who you really are.
/ MR.Li
A polygamist relationship is when you are married to more than one person. In Greek polygamy is the act of being married to more than one. So you can either be a woman married to many men or vice-versa. The opposite of polygamy, being married to more than one, is monogamy, being married to only one spouse. Another form of polygamy is where there might be two spouses but they don’t know about each other. This is called bigamy, and is prosecuted as a crime in most western countries like the UK.
First off I need to say that polygamy should not be judged, since it can bring happiness, if everyone wants to do it than it’s no different than a normal marriage. Some say that the children of a polygamist family will be bullied, like in a gay marriage, or something else. But I think that is bull because the ones making people think that way are the ones putting them on a pedestal. Anything that doesn’t directly or indirectly harm anyone or themselves physically or mentally should be allowed, period.
In humanity there are always “exceptions” to the rule, in this case some may not be happy with just one partner. For the general population though I would say that the cons outweigh the pros, but it still might be worth it. I’ll list a few cons and pros, depending on if everyone in the relationship works or one person is supporting the family it might become more expensive than being married to just one. But then again you can get more times the love, affection; you might even feel more secure and so on. If you do something wrong you will be on the receiving end of a lot more anger.
There are many reasons to start a polygaous relationship, but the most obvious would be for love, but I’m guessing most people would say religion. But then the question for them is why it even appeared in your religion if there wasn’t some sort of lust for it. In English we saw an episode of a show called “Big Love” and in there was a man married to three wives, and the wives mightnot have been the of best friends but it still seemed pretty okay. Imagine if they all got along perfectly, wouldn’t that be the world’s best relationship ever? They all have your back and you always have someone to turn to when you feel down since there are so many in the family.
Personally I don’t see the point in sharing a wife or having many wives. A relationship for me is to shower the person you adore with affection and having to do that to many wives would feel halfhearted to me and sharing a wife wouldn’t suit me, I wouldn’t feel special. But everyone has a different opinion about things and I’m sure there are people out there who genuinely want to have many wives to show them they love them or maybe want to share a wife because they're lazy and dont want to have to do all the jobs.
So my final words about this subject is that if it’s genuine love it should be allowed but if it’s forced because their religion pushes it,it should be banned.
source: da intraweb & I
Äkta vänner ?
Hur vet man om man är vänner eller bara kompisar? Kompisar hälsar man på om man råkar träffas eller hänger med på en fest. Vänner kan man prata med i telefon i flera timmar om ingenting, sover över och berättar saker som man inte vill att alla ska veta.
Men finns det ingenting mittemellan?
Om man har varit vänner som sovit över och berättar dom största hemligheterna för varandra, men att en av vännerna bara förändrar sig helt. Vad är det? Man kan ju inte bara hoppa ner ett steg och kalla varandra för kompisar. Man kan heller inte lotsas som om man inte känner varandra, för det finns ju ingen som känner en bättre än en riktig vän eller någon som varit en vän.
Många tjejer gillar att snacka skit om folk (vilket jag tror alla redan vet) men snackar någon skit om någon till mig så är jag oftast säker på att det personen går till någon annan och säger massa chit om mig.
En anledning till att tjejer ofta förlorar vänner är att de hänger upp sig på små saker, blir irriterade och låter det gå ut över vännerna. I en del tjejers värld kan ett problem vara att inte veta vad man ska ha på sig för kläder i morgon eller maskaran är slut, vad är det för problem?
Så tjejer borde sluta wajna, det vinner man många vänner på!
det ärbara 6 dagar(grupp 2) till Kambodja och jag ser verkligen fram emot att flyga dit, längtar, kommer ta ett tag att komma dit det tar 21 timmar coh 50 minuter för grupp 1 med vänte tid på att byta flyg och grupp 18 timmar och 50 minuter så kul kommer det att bli. ne nu har jag ont överallt och orkar inte skriva, hejdå.
Snart Kambodja...
Igår som nog alla vet så gick de flesta och tog vaccin mot den nya influensan och derför är det inte så mycket folk i skolan idag pågrund av "biverkningar" antar jag. Har varit ganska lungt pga det. Aja nästa vecka åker alla till kambodja men inte jag.... får väl ta dessa veckor som ett extra lov!! :) ne skoja bara ska väl chilla i skolan och se vad som händer.