Islam is a religion and they believe in the Koran, they are read it and follow it. Muhammed is their prophet and not there god. They just have him as someone to follow, like a guide. Islam has many religious things to follow For example, A there are the five columns, they are following them to create a fellowship with other people. They are also following sharia, and that is the Muslims law.
Hijab is like a scarf you have around your head so people can’t see your hair, and they can also have it around there face that you only see their eyes, in some cases you can’t see their face at all. They have this in a religion and that is Islam, I’m going to find out why they believe in it.
Those who have hijabs are not feeling different than other people, they are just following their religion like other people following theirs. And I think that it is okay to have hijabs in school and at their work, but I can understand that it is hard for other people that who are working work with them that they never have seen their faces and don’t know how what they look like.
I have been looking at some people at the internet and they say this:
One person says that she don’t doesn’t want be judged on her appearance and only on how she is in personality. And that’s why she likes to were it, she is felling feeling more self-confident. And she doesn’t understand people who think she is strange because she wears a hijab.
There are many people who don’t use there hijab because they want to be like other people, they want to be suitable (for the society they live in). And I think that is good in a way but if a look from a different angle I think it’s really bad that they don’t want to be themselves and follow their religion.
this video is called "Varför hijab"
Fredrika Hellström